Tuesday, July 15, 2008


OK so that's funny, I blogged like everyday and then nothing for a while. Oh well! Some of you might have noticed my blog has had a make over. This is a big THANK YOU to my cousin for doing this for me!! I could never figure out how to change it. I now feel like I have joined the COOL blogging world.

So on to baby news! No I haven't had her yet, but I have been to the hospital now 3 times for testing and other stuff. I really hate going to the hospital when you know your not going to have you baby. On Friday I was really sick and dehydrated so I had to go in and have fluids and my baby monitored. Then on Sunday I had a really bad headache so I had to go in again and have my blood pressure checked and get pills for that. Then on Monday I had a reaction to the blood pressure medicine that they gave me. So off to the Dr. I go. While at the Dr's. I had to do a stress test, well the test showed that my baby wasn't moving, heart rate was fine she just wasn't moving. Plus I had started being sick. So off to the hospital we went. I had to get more fluid and they did an ultra sound to make sure the baby was OK. She passed and is about 6 lbs. now. My regular Dr. was on call, which was good, so I am no longer on strict bed rest!!! I think its funny that Dr's. can be so different. I think my Dr. is sick of seeing me and wants me up hoping that it will put me in labor. I will hopefully be having this baby this Thursday, it all depends on if I am dilated more. So the wait is on, once again and I have come to the conclusion that. I am so thankfully this is my LAST!

As for the rest of the kids. Brock and Kenzie are ready for this baby to be here. They both came with me to the hospital yesterday. Brock has decided that it wasn't that scary and wants to watch me have the baby. NO he will not be watching. I am very lucky and need to say Thank You to my sisters. Robyn and Debbie have been really great to help me with my kids and driving me all over.


Just us said...

would u have that baby already!!! i need an excuse to buy baby clothes!!!

Lori Huntsman said...

Kristen really wants you to have this baby while she's here, so get on with it already.JK As they say, we Huntsman's are always late. Can't wait to hear the good news. Hang in there. Aunt Lori