Friday, July 18, 2008

Sorry just had to vent........and cry!

So today has been a real emotional roller coaster ride. I went to get my amnio done, Which I might add is very painful. Well the doctor missed, not once but twice. Then he basically told me that I was the one that was trying to rush this baby along. Mind you this was the same Dr. that just yesterday sent me to the hospital to have this baby. Yes I will admit that I am tired of being pregnant, its not really the pregnancy but everything that has come with it. I have been so mad all day, and lets just say if I wasn't so close to the end, I would get a new Dr. So basically he tells me that I have to wait until I am 39 weeks and then they will induce me then. Which is 2 weeks away and i am fine with that because that's what I have planned all along. But, my Dr. the one that told me they would deliver me at 39 weeks is going to be out of town until Aug.3. So, unless I actually go into labor I have to wait until that week. However, all his appt. are taken so I would have to wait until the next week to actually see him. Anyway to make a long story short NO BABY until hell freezes over!!!!!

Also as I am venting, I asked him for something for my nausea. Seeing as how in the last week I have been in the hospital 3 times for I.V.s. But because of my insurance I have to get it pre-authorized. Well his office didn't get the authorization until 4:30. I then called the pharmacy to make sure that it went through. Oh no...... and now its to late, and the insurance company is closed. FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! So basically I will be once again in the hospital for I.Vs come Monday. Did I mention how pissed off I am and would NEVER go to this Dr. again!!


Lindsey said...

That's so frustrating-I know that I could not do pregnancy again- it just gets so miserable!!

Lori Huntsman said...

ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!!!! Bella would have been dead after the first few chapters if she had stayed with Jacob. He is sooooooo irresponsible..but then he's only "almost 15". Edward is almost 100, of course he's more controlling. And Bella was never a teenager, she was born 35. She took care of her mother. The whole story is the story of Edward and Bella....Jacob was just put in there to make her realize what she would be giving up and to know if her love for Edward was really that strong. There's someone for Jacob....but NOT Bella. Sorry, just had to express my VERY STRONG FEELINGS. Seriously though, you can like Jacob if you want. You're just CRAZY. Lori

Lori Huntsman said...

Oh, sorry about the wait on the baby. I was really hoping to have her born on my birthday. I can see why you were so frustrated. Hang in there. It truly is better for them to go as close to their due date as possible. It seems like forever, but it will go quickly. (I know, a bunch of bologne). Can' wait to here she's here. Lori