Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A quick update!!

OK so for those of you who are wondering, I went to the Dr. today and found out that he will let me have this baby in about 2 weeks. I have been having blood pressure issues so hes hoping that I wait that long. I go in next week for my 36 week check up and he will see how far dilated I am then. With Hunter at my 36 week check up I was a 3 and 80%, at 37 weeks I was a 4, and at 38 weeks I passed a kidney stone, lets hope history doesn't repeat itself to much. This baby is a lot lower then he ever was, and I am having contractions every night. If I am a 4 after 37 weeks he will break my water and let me have this baby, which will be about the 17-18th of this month. I am a little nervous about going at 37 weeks, but we will make sure the baby is OK before we do anything. My Dr is going out of town from the July 21-Aug. 2, so if I cant have her that weekend then I will most likely have to wait until after the 2nd. At any rate I am now to the point that he tells me "you could have her any day" which he did with Hunter and it made me so mad!!!!!
It was kinda funny, my Dr. informed me that the hospital has decided to not let people who have had previous C-sections be induced. This is funny to me because since McKenzie (who I had a c-section with) I have been induced twice. You would think that after 2 successful VBACs (which stands for vaginal birth after Cesarean) they wouldn't care.

Anyway that's the update on the baby news. I am not really ready for this baby to be born quite yet. I still need to put up the crib, paint the changing table, wash her cloths that I have. I just don't really care at the moment (is that sad). With my blood pressure and kids I have headaches all day plus who wants to be outside in the heat. All that does is make me swell.


goldmania said...

Hey, as long as you're all safe, that's what matters. We surely want to see your baby before we go. Sorry to hear about the kidney stones. I have definately had my share, yuck. Just take it easy and we'll see ya soon.

Tammy said...

It sounds like we need to have a painting party at your house. See if Debbie has any leftover paint you like or get some and give us a call. We did Debbie's dressers and tables in July (I think, if not it felt like it.) I don't see why we can't do yours. Did you find a dresser yet?

Tammy said...

I forgot did you get the crib together? I know you were working on it.