Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Time to Update............

OK so the baby is finally asleep with out being held and all is quite for a minute. School has started and going good. I just wish that the school would realize I graduated. With all the homework that they bring home its crazy sometimes, and lets be honest the parent does more work then the kid!
We haven't been doing a whole lot lately. At least anything fun to write about. With McKenzie and Brock at school all day, Hunter gets bored. He always get into trouble when I happen to be feeding the baby. Just the other day I hear the toilet flush. Thinking that he has gone to the bathroom I tell him good job. Well that's when he comes into my room and informs me that the fish had to go swimming. Yes you guessed it he got the fishing net and caught his gold fish out of our tank, and flushed the poor thing. The funny part was I thought well at least it was the fish that Mike didn't like. When I went to look at the tank, he had flushed all but one fish! When he told me that he flushed them it was funny because he started to spin saying that the fish swimed like this. Guess he watched Nemo one to many times!! All I cant say is at least he was home. I have very good neighbors that know when Hunter is out by himself, to catch him and bring him home!!! You would think Kilee was my second child not my 4Th!!!

Kilee has been a very trying baby! She has had a really bad stomach, and so its been hard at night. I think she may finally be growing out of it, but I don't want to get to excited. On the 3rd I had surgery and am so happy to say I am officially DONE having children. It is such a nice thought that now I can move on to the next part of life. What that is I have yet to find out but I do still have a new baby in the house so maybe in a year I will know.


Just us said...

Okay so i know exactlly what u mean ablut homework! I think I probably spend at least 2 hours a nite doing homework! I think it's more like I went back to school!

Just us said...

Okay so i know exactlly what u mean ablut homework! I think I probably spend at least 2 hours a nite doing homework! I think it's more like I went back to school!

Tammy said...

Oh the joys of three year olds. They come up with the funniest stories and are so cute it's hard to get mad at them. I can see him telling you all about it. Just hope he doesn't watch 101 dalmatians and let's Benny "go free".

goldmania said...

Thats funny what Tammy said too. :) Ah, see you're not boring. Glad things are going better. Enjoy the time alone with Hunter.