Thursday, April 3, 2008

a Long time.....

O.k. so its been a while. Seems I am always starting with that these days. I am busy but not really. Kenzie is do track for the Jr. high and loves it. Its funny because Trevor is also doing track and when we go to debbies they always want to go for a run.

I am enjoying staying home but i am a huntsman and I need to go. Which is good because Debbie always has to go somewhere and I can tag along. Its hard for her though, she has no kids and I still have Hunter and he has been a little pain latly to take to the stores.

I am still trying to figure out how to add pictures. Debbie and I thought we had it figured out, but I still cant get them to save or something. I have one more reason that the garbage should be a mans job. (kinda of subject) I was throwing out the trash in the dumpster and sliced my pinky finger right at the bend of the top nuckle. I had to get 3 stiches and I have no feeling at the top of my finger. Are pinkys really needed, YES. its hard to type when you can feel the tip of your finger.

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