Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Name Change

Okay so McKenzie and I decided that we spelled the babies name wrong!!! I think we are going to spell it Makylee instead unless I figure out a better way. Its kind of a thing I have I want original names and the spelling has to be cute, but easy for people to be able to figure out the name. So if anyone has an ideas I'm all ears. Also, if you want to pipe in on names that you like we are open for sugestions.


Natasha said...

will it sound like "ma-kyle-ee"
I'm confused about the pronunciation

HURRAY for a girl!

Heidi said...

yes thats what it will sound like......if we use it everyone thinks it sounds like a ethnic persons name, or polynesian.

debbie said...

so is it mikaylee,we will have to talk. I am not sure I get the pronuciation either.