Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I got a hair cut!!!!!!

So for awhile now I have been wanting to get my hair cut. All I do is put it in a ponytail and go and I decided that maybe I needed something else. So yesturday I was at Debbies and we decided to just go and get it done. I cut probably 5-6 inches off so it now lays an inch or 2 above my shoulders. I LOVE IT!!! why did I wait so long to get it done. I will have to plan a little time, but it only takes me 15 min. from blowdry to done so thats not bad. Since I'm not working then it will be ok, I can plan all my appointments for later in the day. Which I like anyway, so I only have to take Hunter with me.

I will post a picture as soon as I get a battery for my camera. Unless I can figure out how to get one with my phone.

So, on to Mother's Day, mine was ok. For Mothers Day we went to lunch, which was really good. Then we went to Lowe's to get a garbage can. The story about the garbage can is this, ever since I cut my finger I decided that the garbage was someone elses job. Well I always empty it from the kitchen can and then would put it on the front step for Mike or Kenz to take up to the dumpster. Well lately neither has done it and the racoons, cats or dogs have gotten into it. So I decided that we would buy a big can that I could put the garbage in and then wheel to the dumpster when its full. So anyway we got that and then Brock wanted to buy me flowers for Mothers Day so I had him buy me a rose bush that I can plant and have roses all summer long.

After that we came home and then went to Debbies to barbeque. Which was funny because Debbie made Corbin do the cooking. So him and sort of Mike cooked the meat, I made the rest of the food per everyones request. It was really good we had cookie salad, and fruit-strawberries,pineapple, and cantalope with dip. I mostly ate the fruit and dip since I was still full from lunch. Then for deseret we had Pudding Delight, was so good. That was my Mothers Day not to eventful but still nice.


goldmania said...

that's so funny that you got a garbage can too! I'm not the only one with a crazy man, jk! Can't wait to see your haircut.

goldmania said...

So it's been several days since you've updated. Taking it easy doesn't mean you can't type. JK Hope you're doing ok.